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If you catch your partner surfing the internet on sex sites or downloading porn pictures, you are usually shocked. Women in particular feel disgusted and doubt their relationship. Wrongly so, says one scientist. Sex is omnipresent in the virtual world: Sooner or later every internet surfer comes across sex sites, in hundreds of erotic chats pictures are exchanged and acquaintances made, and mobile phone users have the choice between countless flirt lines. This can cause problems between partners. The new media make it easier than ever to get erotic offers everywhere and anytime. The attraction lies in the noncommittality: Who looks at itself in the Internet Sexfotos or by SMS hot love whisper sends, remains usually anonymous thereby. This attracts men in particular. They use this content much more frequently than women, observes sexologist Professor Volkmar Sigusch of the University of Frankfurt. Such games do not always remain undiscovered. Those who catch their partner downloading sex pictures or discover erotic SMS messages on their mobile phones are usually shocked and unsettled. Women in particular often feel disgusted and doubt their relationship with their partner. But according to the psychologist Mark, there is no reason for this in most cases.

Downloading porn is absolutely normal for men

For many men, looking at other women, whether in pictures or on the street, is simply one of them, says the expert. When a man looks at sex photos or videos, its perfectly normal. Self-doubt and insecurity in such a situation are typical for women. Volkmar Sigusch observes an overall increase in Internet sex: The content is very easily available and there are countless fetishes to choose from, says the sexual scientist. According to a study by the EITO Institute (European Information Technology Observatory), around 39 million euros will be earned this year in Germany from erotic offers on the Internet. In 2006, the figure is expected to reach 63 million euros. With sex contents, which are transferred by mobile phone, the offerers gain approximately 9 million euro in this year. However, the consumption of such offers is still far from normal. In view of virtual Sex trips of the partner some women would receive disgust from a feeling of the jealousy and refusal out, describe Mark. What they find repulsive are often not the pictures themselves, but the idea that the partner could have sex with another woman. In addition, there is the fear that he might also risk a fling in real life. According to Mark such fears are only rarely appropriate: There are worlds between looking at sex pictures and cheating.

Reference to sexual dissatisfaction when watching sex movies

If someone uses virtual erotic offers, that does not mean that he becomes more easily unfaithful, says sexual scientist Sigusch. The inhibition threshold to cheating does not decrease because the possibility is there in the long run, he says. This certainty alone is enough for many people. According to the sexual scientist, virtual love adventures could even protect the partnership: Sexual tensions that relate to persons other than the partner are thus dissipated. But the search for sex on the Internet despite a fixed relationship can also be an indication of sexual dissatisfaction, says psychologist Stefan Oschmann from the Würzburg Institute for Partner and Sexual Therapy. If you catch your partner doing this, you should ask him whether you are missing something in the relationship in terms of sexuality, the expert advises. But there are also other reasons: Some people are simply attracted by the attraction of forbidden sex on the Internet, others are under stress and pressure in everyday life, which they try to reduce in this way. If a man is particularly frequent about sex, this could also indicate a serious problem. There are men who are sexually addicted, says the therapist. This is shown, for example, by the fact that a man often randomly downloads erotic pictures, constantly wants to have sex with his partner or frequently visits prostitutes in addition to a regular relationship.

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Mark considers the consumption of internet sex to be harmless in most cases. But it becomes critical when a partner suffers from it, she warns. If a woman feels lied to, disappointed and deceived just because her husband is looking at erotic pictures, this indicates a deep disturbance of the partnership. Talking about ones feelings is always helpful in such conflicts. For example, a couple can explain to each other what both feel when they look at sex pictures, she recommends. If they succeed, the couple moves closer together.

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